Author Archives: Andy Dingfelder
Day 30 of 30 (in 30 days of Geek) – Where do you see technology advancing in the next 20 years – and where will you fit in?
Day 30 – Where do you see technology advancing in the next 20 years – and where will you fit in? I believe the next 20 years will bring a lot of new and exciting technology. But that is too … Continue reading
Day 29 of 30 (in 30 days of Geek) – Looking back (at geek life), would you have done anything differently?
Day 29 – Looking back (at geek life), would you have done anything differently? If I did things differently, I probably would not have met Linda and had 2 wonderful daughters and gotten to New Zealand. So , I would … Continue reading
Day 28 of 30 (in 30 days of Geek) – How many computers lying about the house?
Day 28 – How many computers lying about the house? Too Many. I am typing this on a Dell Inspiron 1764, which has a nice wide 17″ screen for development. Linda has a Dell 15″ laptop, which she uses for … Continue reading
Day 27 of 30 (in 30 days of Geek) – Fix a bug in some open source software and commit the patch
Day 27 – Fix a bug in some open source software and commit the patch hmmm. I think this is a mirror of the previous post on open source software, and I refer you to that answer
Day 26 of 30 (in 30 days of Geek) – Apple – friend, foe or other?
Day 26 – Apple – friend, foe or other? See my previous post about thoughts about Microsoft. As I addressed there, I think both Apple and Microsoft (and Linux) all have their pros and cons. One thing I dont love … Continue reading
Day 25 of 30 (in 30 days of Geek) – Microsoft – friend, foe or other?
– Microsoft – friend, foe or other? Both. Linux sucks for games, and Mac is not far ahead. Yes, they could be good if the vendors supported them, but at the moment, they dont, so Microsoft is the only alternative. … Continue reading
Day 24 of 30 (in 30 days of Geek) – How do you feel about Open Source vs Proprietary software?
– How do you feel about Open Source vs Proprietary software? This can be a very passionate topic. Many of my (Linux using) peers feel very strongly about supporting ONLY Open Source software. On the otherhand, I work with people … Continue reading
Day 23 of 30 (in 30 days of Geek) – Post a review of an application that you use.
Day 23 – Post a review of an application that you use. I am not sure if/when I will get around to doing this. Maybe one day. Until then how about checking out my next next post or my twitter … Continue reading
Day 22 of 30 (in 30 days of Geek) – Release some software under an open source license that you haven’t released before.
Day 22 – Release some software under an open source license that you haven’t released before. While I love lots of open source software packages, and support the licensing model, I am going to have to take a mulligan here. … Continue reading