Author Archives: Andy Dingfelder
first thoughts about eclipse 3.3
After my first full week of using Eclipse (having moved away from JBuilder) I thought I would list some of my thoughts: The visual editor sucks. Jbuilder 2005/6 and Netbeans have eclipse beat here. I hope this area improves soon. … Continue reading
abandoning jbuilder, going to eclipse
With a heavy heart, I am now offficially abandoning JBuilder, and moving to Eclipse. I will spend the next month playing with Eclipse 3.3 while it is in the final stages prior to release. I am currently using 3.3m3 The … Continue reading
what is going on here
after reporting my issues connecting to xplanner from jbuilder (adding a task repository) I got an email from codegear support. The support tech (Chee Wee Chua) told me: From the main menu, access Window, Preferences, Team, CVS, Proxy Settings. Set … Continue reading
xplanner issues connecting
When I try and create a task repository using xplanner from the IDE, and enter what I think is a valid url, name and pwd, I get the followin g error msg: The supplied credentials are invalid nested exception is: … Continue reading
project assist stacks
Because of install issues with projectAssist (it would not successfully install bugzilla or xplanner) I manually installed all the components, including: Tomcat 5.5.23 Apache 2.2.4 Mysql 5.0.37 Perl (ActiveState) Liferay 4.2.1 Continuum 1.0.3 Xplanner 0.7b Bugzilla 3.0 Subversion 1.4.3 … Continue reading
ProjectAssist Installation Errors (part 4)
Because of install issues with ProjectAssist (it would not successfully install Bugzilla or Xplanner) I manually installed all the components, including: Tomcat 5.5.23 Apache 2.2.4 Mysql 5.0.37 Perl (ActiveState) Liferay 4.2.1 Continuum 1.0.3 Xplanner 0.7b Bugzilla 3.0 Subversion 1.4.3 … Continue reading
ProjectAssist Installation Errors (part 3)
Moving along, I decided to try the ProjectAssist install on a different machine, which we will be using for a development server, instead of doing it on my standalone XP workstation. Maybe the installer will work better on this environment. … Continue reading
ProjectAssist Installation Errors (part 2)
Having determined the cause of the maven issues, I moved on and cleaned up my system and restarted the install. I then got perl errors, which the log listed as: (13:22:49:671) Installing (13:22:49:671) Perl install: processing INSTALL component AppConfig… … Continue reading
ProjectAssist Installation Errors (part 1)
After concluding that ProjectAssist does not like “partial installs”, I decided to go with the complete install. I cleaned up the XP install (removed apache, tomcat, mysql etc and made sure there were no registry entries or services) and fired … Continue reading
ProjectAssist Administration Notes
In the continuing saga of attempting to get ProjectAssist working, I spent the last week trying to get my “development stack” configured. I would have to say that at the moment, I am not yet impressed. The idea behind using … Continue reading