Author Archives: Andy Dingfelder
More on ProjectAssist
Much thanks to Joe McGlynn (Director Product Management @ Codegear) for his assistance in getting ProjectAssist up and running for me. Now that I am able to test the functionality, I can see how the server installation goes. I will … Continue reading
C Programming in Eclipse
In my day to day job, I mainly use java, primarily for the development of graphical interfaces to communicate with custom built hardware running embedded microprocessors (written in assembly and c). In addition though, I also write c and c++ … Continue reading
ProjectAssist Update:
Quick update to my last post: While I have been recently confronted with some issues with codegear’s new suite of product, I do respect their willingness to resolve issue and make things right. I posted a note about my issue … Continue reading
ProjectAssist Woes!
Just when I thought my troubles were over after getting my system licensed, the fun with ProjectAssist began. I am a regular user (and administrator) of some of the ProjectAssist’s supported open source technologies. When I first heard about ProjectAssist, … Continue reading
Registration Issues Resolved
I am pleased to say that after a couple of months of hassling with the registration process, I now have a registered copy of JBuilder Enterprise Trial. Thanks goes out to the customer support engineer in Singapore who figured out … Continue reading
Continuing Saga of Registration Issues…
I spoke with a Borland support engineer (in their free “registration issues” support department) for about an hour on Friday, trying to resolve my registration issues.
Eclipse Multiple Monitor Bug
While Eclipse does work across multiple monitors, I know of one bug that I find quite annoying. I use 3 monitors, with the main source view occupying my center screen, and the output console occuping the left screen, and all … Continue reading
JBuilder Registration Woes…
Because of continuing registration issues, I thought it would be interesting to post my thoughts… The place I work has a poor internet connection (hundreds of employees share a limited isp connection so download bandwidth is limited and large downloads … Continue reading
Rambling thoughts about JBuilder 2007…
I recently made the jump to JBuilder 2007. As a long time user of JBuilder (I started using JBuilder back with version 3) I have to start off saying that this version is quite a bit different from any other … Continue reading