now that we successfully used cmake to compile a linux app (in the last article), we will now try and compile it for windows.
I am doing this on Gentoo linux, so your mileage may vary if you used a different distribution.
I am starting with as a rough guide.
- # emerge -va sys-devel/crossdev
- # echo ‘PORTDIR_OVERLAY=”/usr/i686-mingw32/usr/portage /usr/local/portage $PORTDIR_OVERLAY”‘ >> /etc/make.conf
- create the directory /usr/i686-mingw32/usr/portage
- install the toolchain: # crossdev i686-mingw32
With Ubuntu/Debian you can simply install it using apt: “apt-get install mingw32”. This will install the toolchain as i586-mingw32msvc-gcc to /usr/bin/ .emerge the packages you want to have as cross compiled programs or libraries.
Once you have installed ming32, it is easy to compile for linux:
# i686-mingw32-gcc helloworld.cpp -o wintest.exe
Now the next step in the puxxle is to get cmake to compile for both OSes each time make is run.