Conflicting options for Windows Administrators

It’s approximately 11 years since Windows XP was unveiled, and this week Microsoft was still at it trying to convince users that it’s time to upgrade.

A post on the Windows For Your Business Blog calls on businesses to start XP migrations now.

Microsoft cites the main reason as being that support for XP ends in April 2014, and ‘most new hardware options will likely not support the Windows XP operating system.’

If you run Windows Vista, Microsoft argues that it’s time to ‘start planning’ the move to Windows 8.

As this article points out, it’s not uncommon to hear about people still running XP at work.

But yet, at the same time, Microsoft Corp’s release of Windows 8 on Friday is likely to be a non-event for most companies — and some experts say many may never adopt it.

The system may appear to offer something for everyone: touch-screen functionality for tablet enthusiasts, a slick new interface for the younger set, and multiple versions to make it compatible with traditional desktop PC software.

Many businesses, though, say there is no compelling reason to adopt. Indeed, a large number have yet to make the transition to Windows 7 from Windows XP.

Even as it launches Windows 8, a key priority for Microsoft is to get customers off the decade-old Windows XP — which still runs on 41 percent of the world’s 1.5 billion PCs.

What will happen?   Will businesses stay with the unsupported XP ?  or move to a newer (but not loved) Windows 7?   Or will they jump to Windows 8?  Only time will tell..

About Andy Dingfelder

Andy has been working with technology for over 30 years. Full bio is available at: He lives in Wellington, New Zealand with his wife and two daughters.
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