Day 22 of 30 (in 30 days of Geek) – Release some software under an open source license that you haven’t released before.

Day 22 – Release some software under an open source license that you haven’t released before.

While I love lots of open source software packages, and support the licensing model, I am going to have to take a mulligan here.

(I work with software all day, and am blogging in the evenings, so I do not have the time at the moment to do more work.  I am doing this set of blogs for fun after all, not just to take up time.)

Does this sounds like an excuse?   Yes, it is.  But it is my blog so I can do what I want 🙂

About Andy Dingfelder

Andy has been working with technology for over 30 years. Full bio is available at: He lives in Wellington, New Zealand with his wife and two daughters.
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