I think this is really sad. Google and Apple Spent More On Patents Than R&D Last Year.

Google and Apple Spent More On Patents Than R&D Last Year.

NYTimes has an interesting article about how patents are really stifling innovation in the tech industry.

Today, almost every major technology company is involved in ongoing patent battles. Of course, the most significant player is Apple, industry executives say, because of its influence and the size of its claims:  in August in California, the company won a $1 billion patent infringement judgment against Samsung. Former Apple employees say senior executives made a deliberate decision over the last decade, after Apple was a victim of patent attacks, to use patents as leverage against competitors to the iPhone, the company’s biggest source of profits.

At a technology conference this year, Apple’s chief executive, Timothy D. Cook, said patent battles had not slowed innovation at the company, but acknowledged that some aspects of the battles had ‘kind of gotten crazy.

‘ It is a complaint heard throughout the industry. The increasing push to assert ownership of broad technologies has led to a destructive arms race, engineers say. Some point to so-called patent trolls, companies that exist solely to sue over patent violations.’

Others say big technology companies have also exploited the system’s weaknesses. ‘There are hundreds of ways to write the same computer program,’ said James Bessen, a legal expert at Harvard. And so patent applications often try to encompass every potential aspect of a new technology. When such applications are approved, Mr. Bessen said, ‘the borders are fuzzy, so it’s really easy to accuse others of trespassing on your ideas

Call me crazy, but I think their priorities are misguided.  But having said that, once one is doing it, the others have to follow suit or they will get left behind.

About Andy Dingfelder

Andy has been working with technology for over 30 years. Full bio is available at: http://www.linkedin.com/in/dingfelder He lives in Wellington, New Zealand with his wife and two daughters.
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