Installing eclipse 3.3 on Gentoo

Today was the day to get eclipse going on Gentoo. I downloaded the latest version (3.3) and dropped it into /opt/eclipse.

I fired it up and got:

# ./eclipse
* run-java-tool is not available for sun-jdk-1.6 on i686
* IMPORTANT: some Java tools are not available on some VMs on some architectures

so, clearly it did not like my java.

I know my java is good:

# java-config -L
The following VMs are available for generation-2:
1) Blackdown JDK [blackdown-jdk-1.4.2]
2) Sun JDK [sun-jdk-1.4]
3) Sun JDK [sun-jdk-1.5]
*) Sun JDK 1.6.0 [sun-jdk-1.6]

Looking around, I found the following:

Java on Gentoo uses /usr/bin/run-java-tool instead of /usr/bin/java (which links to run-java-tool)

the trick is to edit /usr/bin/run-java-tool


tool=$(basename $0)


[[ $tool = “run-java-tool” ]] && tool=”java”

then eclipse started perfectly.

About Andy Dingfelder

Andy has been working with technology for over 30 years. Full bio is available at: He lives in Wellington, New Zealand with his wife and two daughters.
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