ProjectAssist Installation Errors (part 4)

Because of install issues with ProjectAssist (it would not successfully install Bugzilla or Xplanner) I manually installed all the components, including:

  1. Tomcat 5.5.23
  2. Apache 2.2.4
  3. Mysql 5.0.37
  4. Perl (ActiveState)
  5. Liferay 4.2.1
  6. Continuum 1.0.3
  7. Xplanner 0.7b
  8. Bugzilla 3.0
  9. Subversion 1.4.3

All of the separate components are working beautifully under Windows 2000.

I have installed all the stack components, so it should not have any installing to do, just connect to the pre-existing components and configure users and projects etc.

When I try and run the ProjectAssist wizard though it detects Bugzilla, Continuum & Xplanner, but does not detect Liferay or subversion.

It then complains that does not like the fact that I have already installed Apache.

Why does it need it’s own Apache?

I assume it is because it did not find Liferay and/or subversion? Liferay runs under tomcat, so it would need Apache, I assume that is the cause. As to why ProjectAssist did not find my installation of Liferay, I can not determine that answer, since the install log does not gave any errors about Liferay. When I installed it, I did so according to the Liferay docs, following their defaults. I can only assume that the way CodeGear configured their version is different and they are expecting it to be installed in a non-default location.

Subversion was also installed in the default location, so it should have been found.

So all my stack components are working after a manual installation, but ProjectAssist itself is still not working.

About Andy Dingfelder

Andy has been working with technology for over 30 years. Full bio is available at: He lives in Wellington, New Zealand with his wife and two daughters.
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