what is going on here

after reporting my issues connecting to xplanner from jbuilder (adding a task repository) I got an email from codegear support.

The support tech (Chee Wee Chua) told me:

From the main menu, access Window, Preferences, Team, CVS, Proxy Settings.
Set the proxy connection, username and passsword there.

Let me know if this resolves the issue.

Thank you.

hmmm… interesting.
why is Jbuilder using the proxy info from CVS when Eclipse has the proxy configuration in a different area itself?

I sent him back a note:

I do not have CVS enabled, as we use SVN here instead.

Is the mylar code really using this proxy setting instead of the normal proxy settings?:

for normal eclipse it is set under:
window/preferences/internet/proxy settings


I suspect he does not know what CVS or SVN is 🙂

He responded back with:

Hi Andy,

Normal Eclipse proxy settings doesn’t allow you to enter proxy user and authentication password.
Please let me know if the following resolves your issue.


so I responded:

The normal eclipse proxy screen has the following info:

proxy host
proxy port
use socks y/n
enable proxy authentication y/n
proxy username
proxy password

See the attached screenshot for reference

Also, note that our proxy here does not use a username or password.

His response the next day was:

Hi Andy,

I have asked R&D for guidance.

In the meantime, it looks to me like your issue goes beyond simple installation and registration support.
I realize you’re currently using JBuilder 2007 Ent Trial and I would like to note that your issue is not covered under installation and registration support.

Best Regards,

Chua, Chee Wee

I never heard back from him.

so, I gave up on XPlanner.

About Andy Dingfelder

Andy has been working with technology for over 30 years. Full bio is available at: http://www.linkedin.com/in/dingfelder He lives in Wellington, New Zealand with his wife and two daughters.
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