Day 16 of 30 (in 30 days of Geek)…
– First computer you’ve ever owned & your favourite ever.
My First computer was a 286 PC, 12 mhz speed. With a TURBO BUTTON !
(Don’t ask me why it had a turbo button.)
This amazing piece of technology had a 40 meg hard drive, a 5″ floppy (or was it 5 1/4 ?) and a whopping 2 megs of ram.
If I remember properly, it had a 14″ CRT monitor, and a VGA video card.
I have to note that I got in big trouble though with this PC after a few months, because I bought an additional 2 megs of ram (for 70$) without asking permission from (my newly married wife) Linda, when we were tight on money. But I HAD to have the upgrade, because it would not run Word Perfect and Pagemaker at the same time on 2 megs of ram.
Not sure about my favorite PC, that old one sure was cool and I have some fond memories. But I also really like my current wide screen dell laptop and my macbook. I may have to come back to that question another day.